- 辦公室: 第一教學大樓N1035室
- 實驗室: 第一教學大樓N1028室
- 電話: (07) 3121101 ext. 2790
- 傳真: (07) 3125339
- 電子郵件: liuwangta@kmu.edu.tw
- 逢甲大學環境工程與科學學系學士(1997)
- 國立中山大學海洋生物科技暨資源學系碩士(1999)
- 國立中山大學海洋生物科技暨資源學系博士(2006)
- 中央研究院細胞與個體生物學研究所博士後研究員(2006-2011)
- 中央研究院基因體研究中心博士後研究員(2011-2013)
- 高雄醫學大學生物科技學系助理教授(2013/08-2020/01)
- 高雄醫學大學生物科技學系副教授(2020/02-至今)
- 水生動物基因轉殖及應用
- 模式生物與產業應用
- 3D列印在生物醫學上的應用
- 斑馬魚藥物篩選平台的建立與實作

- Deshmukh D, Hsu YF, Chiu CC, Jadhao M, Hsu SCN, Hu SY, Yang SH, Liu W*. (2023, Mar). Antiangiogenic potential of Lepista nuda extract suppressing MAPK/p38 signaling-mediated developmental angiogenesis in zebrafish and HUVECs. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy, 159:114219.
- Liu W, Hsu YY, Tang JY, Cheng YB, Chuang YT, Jeng JH, Yen CH, Chang HW*. (2022, Sep). Methanol Extract of Commelina Plant Inhibits Oral Cancer Cell Proliferation. Antioxidants (Basel), 11(9):1813.
- Tang PW, Wu PH, Lin YT, Chiu CH, Cheng TL, Guan WH, Lin HY, Lee KT, Chen YH, Chiu CC, Liu W* (2022, Feb). Zebrafish model-based assessment of Indoxyl sulfate-induced oxidative stress and its impact on renal and cardiac development. Antioxidants, 11(2):400.
- Liu W., Lin LC., Wang PJ., Chen YN., Wang SC., Chuang YT., Tsai IH., Yu SY., Chang FR., Cheng YB., Huang LC., Huang MY, Chang HW. (2021, Sep). Nepenthes Ethyl Acetate Extract Provides Oxidative Stress Dependent Anti-Leukemia Effects. Antioxidants, 10(9):1410.
- Tang JY, Cheng YB, Chuang YT, Yang KH, Chang FR, Liu W*, Chang HW*. (2022, Mar). Oxidative Stress and AKT-Associated Angiogenesis in a Zebrafish Model and Its Potential Application for Withanolides. Cells, 11(6):961.
- Liu W, Wu CY, Lu MJ, Chuang YJ, Tsai EM, Leu S, Lin IL, Ko CJ, Chiu CC, and Chang WT* (2020, Jan). The Phenoxyphenol Compound 4-HPPP Selectively Induces Antiproliferation Effects and Apoptosis in Human Lung Cancer Cells through Aneupolyploidization and ATR DNA Repair Signaling. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2020, 5167292.
- Liu W#, Lo YL#, Hsu C, Wu YT, Liao ZX, Wu WJ, Chen YJ, Kao C, Chiu CC*, Wang LF*. (2019, Sep). CS-PEI/Beclin-siRNA Downregulate Multidrug Resistance Proteins and Increase Paclitaxel Therapeutic Efficacy against NSCLC. Molecular therapy. Nucleic acids, 17, 477-490.
- Tang JY, Xu YH, Lin LC, Ou-Yang F, Wu KH, Tsao LY, Yu TJ, Huang HW, Wang HR, Liu W*, and Chang HW*. (2019, Aug). LY303511 displays antiproliferation potential against oral cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. Environmental Toxicology, 34(8), 958-967.
- Hsieh FC, Hung CT, Cheng KC, Wu CY, Chen YC, Wu YJ, Liu W*, and Chiu CC*. (2018, Nov). Protective Effects of Lycium barbarum Extracts on UVB-Induced Damage in Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells Accompanied by Attenuating ROS and DNA Damage. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 7;2018:4814928.
- Chang WT#, Liu W#, Chiu YH, Chen BH, Chuang SC, Chen YC, Hsu YT, Lu MJ, Chiou SJ, Chou CK, and Chiu CC*. (2017, May). A 4-Phenoxyphenol Derivative Exerts Inhibitory Effects on Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells through Regulating Autophagy and Apoptosis Accompanied by Downregulating αTubulin Expression. Molecules, 22(5). pii: E854.
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