Department of Biotechnology

School of Life Science, Kaohsiung Medical University 


[About the Department]  

  • 2003: The Faculty of Biotechnology was founded and begun to offer a four-year Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree.
  • 2006: The graduate program at the Faculty of Biotechnology was established to offer a two-year Master of Science (M.S.) degree.
  • 2008: The Faculty of Biotechnology was renamed the Department of Biotechnology in accordance with new academic guidelines set by the University.



Educational and Research Missions of the Department

   While biotechnology encompasses broad range of specialties, the Department of Biotechnology is especially designed, in accordance with KMU’s outstanding characteristics, to gear its teaching and research activities towards the field of medical biotechnology. The primary goal of the Department is to produce self-motivated and highly trained graduates with academic insight and research skills who will lead us into the future of biotechnology.


   The missions of the Department's education and research are aimed at providing prospective students with:

  • a thorough education incorporating both theoretical and practical training in biotechnology, 
  • the amenities for the understanding in biotechnology in order to train and promote talented students as succsessful researchers and scientists, 
  • state-of-the-art establishments and facilities for the study, research, and development in the rapidly growing fields of biotechnology, and
  • individual and social awareness for the latest and important development in biotechnology to improve the quality of the mankind.



Course offerings for the Bachelorate Program (B.S.)

  • Required general courses

· Application of Computer and Information Science
· Calculus (I), (II)
· Chinese
· English Listening and Speaking (I), (II)
· English Reading and Writing (I), (II)
· General Biology (I), (II)
· General Biology Laboratory
· General Chemistry (I), (II)
· General Chemistry Laboratory (I), (II)
· General Physics
· General Physics Laboratory
· Physical Education
· Service Learning

  • Required specialized courses

· Bioanalytical Method
· Biochemistry (I), (II)
· Biochemistry Laboratory
· Biophysical Chemistry (I)
· Biotechnology Laboratory (I), (II)
· Genetics (I), (II)
· Genomics and Proteomics (I),(II)
· Immunology
· Introduction to Biotechnology
· Microbiology (I), (II)
· Molecular and Cellular Biology (I), (II)
· Organic Chemistry (I), (II)
· Physiology (I), (II)
· Physiology Laboratory
· Scientific literature reading and term paper writing (I), (II)
· Seminar (I), (II)


  • Elective specialized courses

· Application of yeast in molecular biology
· Bioinformatics
· Biomedical Materials (I), (II)
· Biophysical Chemistry (I)
· Career planning in biotechnology
· Computer-aided drug design
· Computer Applications in Biomedical Science
· Developmental Biology
· Drug Discovery
· Endocrinology
· Enzymatics
· Ethics in scientific researches and publications
· Exploration of the Microbial World
· Genetic Engineering
· German (I), (II)
· Japanese (I), (I)
· Medicinal Chemistry
· Military Training (I), (II)
· Molecular Diagnostic Technique
· Nuclear magnetic resonance in Biology
· Organic Chemistry Laboratory
· Polymer Chemistry
· Protection of Intellectual Property Rights for Biotechnology
· Protein biochemistry
· Protein biotechnology
· Research Training (I), (II), (III), (IV)
· Science and Technology in Daily Life
· Separation techniques (I), (II)
· Stem Cell Technique
· Structural Biology
· The application of molecular genetics in biomedical sciences
· Technology of Cell and Tissue Culture
· Tumor Biology
· Viral oncology
· Virology


  • Minimal graduation requirements

   Students applying for graduation should finish and pass a minimumof 128 credit hours of courses, including
· General-knowledge level courses: 28 credit hours (offered by the University)
· Physical training: 4 semesters

Course offerings for the Master's Program (M.S.)


  • Required specialized courses

· Seminar (I), (II), (III), (IV)
· Special Topics in Biotechnology
· Special Topics in Eukaryotic Genetics
· Special Topics in Prokaryotic Genetics
· Thesis


  • Elective specialized courses

· Introduction to Biological NMR
· Special topics in Aging biology and medicine
· Special Topics in Cell Molecular Biology
· Special Topics in Computational Biomedical Science(I), (II)
· Special topics in DNA damage and cell cycle regulation
· Special Topics in Docking Algorithm
· Special Topics in Cancer Biology
· Special Topics in Gene Therapy
· Special Topics in Genomics
· Special Topics in Human Molecular Genetics
· Special Topics in Immunology
· Special Topics in Instrumental Analysis
· Special Topics in Molecular Virology
· Special Topics in Photo Cell Biology
· Special Topics in the Journals of Biomedical (I), (II)


  • Minimal graduation requirements

   Students applying for graducation should finish and pass a minimumof 30 credit hours of courses, including
· Thesis: 6 credit hours


[Contact Information]
   Details about the Department of Biotechnology at Kaohsiung Medical University may be requested by contacting:

Postal address:
Department of Biotechnology, College of Life Science
Kaohsiung Medical University
100 Shih-Chuan 1st Rd., San-Min District
Kaohsiung, TAIWAN 807
Phone: +886-7-3121101 ext. 2708 or 2709
Fax: +886-7-3125339

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